remote worker in an outstanding place to work remotely

Best Places To Work Remotely: City Guides & How To Choose






Finding the best places for remote workers can be very overwhelming - after all, the literal world is on your list. So we’ve come up with a system you can use to narrow down your options and find the best places for you. It just so happened they all start with “C”...if you're thinking, "suspiciously convenient" - we agree.
remote workers finding a great place to work remotely with good and consistent wifi

^Photo by CoWomen

Connectivity is #1 because let’s be honest. You work remotely and without connectivity, you're no longer working remotely. You're just...remote.

Both the availability and reliability of wifi in a location play a pivotal role in choosing a destination. Reliability is key - because many locations around the world experience frequent power outages. This is especially prevalent in islands - here’s looking at you Siargao (love you though). 

So when you're looking for the best places to work remotely, prioritize wifi connectivity. Here are the main questions to answer when trying to determine how reliable the wifi connection of a location is...
  1. Are there a lot of cafes with wifi? While there may be many cafes, they may not be cafes designed to work, and therefore may not have wifi.
  2. Do coworking spaces in that location have backup generators for when the electricity goes out (the term is Uninterrupted Power Supply [UPS])?
  3. Are the upload, download and ping speed good?
  4. Do they have Starlink? If you're on an island and they don't have Starlink, your connectivity will likely take a hit.
  5. Is it normal to hang out for hours in a cafe and get work done? Or are they going to try to shoo you out?
C #2: Climate
New York City in the fall, a great place to work remotely

Photo by Marta Wave

When you’re looking at where to work remotely - climate plays a huge roll. Want a, “roll out of bed and put on a swimsuit” vibe? Or maybe you want all 4 seasons?
Picking a climate that matches your preferences is one of the main factors that will help you better enjoy life on the road.
A Note On Climate: Pay Attention to Seasons
There are plenty of places in the world that experience a monsoon season, which - not the ideal time to visit. Also, you know that July Buenos Aires trip you’re excited for? Remember that that’s the southern hemisphere, and they’re in the height of their winter season.
C #3: Culture
Think about the culture of the place you’re going before you go. Morocco is largely Muslim. 

Do you like walking around in nothing but a bathing suit and having a beer at noon? The Atlantic coast of Brazil sounds more your speed my friend. 

 This one is really important to consider because remember, you’re a visitor. Your job is to adapt to the culture of the place you’re visiting. Don’t be that gringo/farang/bule/gaijin/mzungu/ajnabi. If you’re not flexible with your cultural attitudes and outlooks, the best places to work remotely for you will be places that more closely resemble your home country’s culture.
C #4: Cost Of Living
When people are looking for the best places to work remotely, cost of living nearly always tops their lists. 

Many remote workers will plan their entire itinerary by typing “cheapest locations to work remotely” into Google and taking the top 10 countries from that list. 

 Is it wrong to seek out destinations with a lower cost of living? I don't believe it is. But remember, these places have great people and great culture, too. 

To use cost of living as the sole component that drives your travel itinerary and where you choose to work remotely is going to result in a less-than-ideal experience. Yes, lower cost of living is one reason to visit other countries. But if you’re going to Thailand to save a couple bucks without any interest in the people or the food, just go to Topeka.
C #5: Coworking
Remote workers finding an excellent coworking space to work remotely

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Coworking are the lighthouses of wifi and community for remote workers, and many of the best places on Earth to work remotely also have some of the best coworking spaces on earth. These spaces foster a sense of community, networking opportunities, and a productive work environment.

And they have ergonomic chairs. A lot of places in the world place a very low value on lumbar support - I’ve never understood it. But you’ll often be able to find proper office chairs that offer that sweet, sweet lumbar support in coworking spaces anywhere on earth. 

Plus, depending on where you’re at in the world, coworking spaces likely offer the fastest and most reliable wifi in the area. If you’re in an area with frequent power outages, make sure your coworking space sports a backup power generator, or “UPS” (uninterrupted power supply). 

 Coworking spaces also often run evening activities and/or networking events, which makes it significantly easier to meet people and form that community that is so important to mental health on the road. Which leads us to our next point…
C #6: Commmunity
As someone who has been on the road on and off for the past decade, my personal experience has shown me that community (or lack thereof) has the most outsized impact on mental health, whether you’re traveling or at your homebase.

Here are some tips to find friends and build community while you work remotely.

Tip #1: If you’re solo traveling, before heading out, go to Facebook (I know - right?) and type in, “digital nomad [city name]”. You should be able to find some groups there, and they’ll often post group events and you’ll get to see how people generally interact, which will give you a general vibe of the area. 

Tip #2: In this Facebook group, see if you can get into a couple of the WhatsApp groups for this area. There are WhatsApp groups for almost everything in most cities around the world. 

Tip #3: Go to coworking spaces. Get daypasses to a couple different ones before settling into the one you like. This is one of the easiest ways to meet new people while you’re working remotely. 

Tip #4: Volunteer at a local school or animal shelter. If you've got a skill that can benefit your community, use it!

Tip #5: Go do things, even when you don't feel like it. Kinetic action is the best way to meet people and make friends. Join a local gym, go to meetups, and do your best to keep the introvert energy to a minimum.

So - in your search for the best places to be a remote worker, use the 6 C’s to help you nail down a city. Make sure you’re connected, the climate ticks the boxes you want, the local culture is what you’re looking for, cost of living fits your budget, coworking is abundant and there’s a strong community to tap into.